Exploring the role of artificial intelligence in education: a comprehensive perspective





Artificial Intelligence, Education, Learning Technologies, Pedagogical Innovation, Adaptive Learning, Ethical AI, AI Pedagogy


Objective: This synthesis explores the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in augmenting the educational process, addressing the global teacher shortage, and personalizing learning experiences. The objective is to reconcile the potential of AI in revolutionizing education with the pedagogical and ethical nuances highlighted by leading experts.

Method: A qualitative analysis of insights from UNESCO MGIEP's 'Artificial Intelligence for Education' publication was undertaken. The method involved critically reviewing perspectives on AI's role in education, its ethical considerations, and the historical evolution of AI systems.

Results: The analysis revealed a dual view where AI is positioned as a significant tool for personalizing education and addressing educational disparities. However, it is not seen as altering the fundamental human-centric process of learning but rather augmenting and supporting it.

Conclusions: The convergence of perspectives suggests that while AI can greatly enhance the personalization and accessibility of education, it serves best as a complement to human teaching rather than a replacement. The pedagogical integration of AI necessitates a balanced approach that values ethical considerations and the innate complexity of the learning process.

Author Biographies

Altieres de Oliveira Silva, Editora ALUMNI IN, São Paulo

Mater degree student in Business Law and Citizenship at UNICURITIBA, I specialize in Open Access Scientific Journals. I hold a certification from Cambridge University in Scientific Publication. With expertise in the field of Business Law and a strong focus on promoting accessibility to scientific knowledge.

Diego dos Santos Janes, Editora Alumni in, São Paulo

I hold a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from UNINOVE, and I am an expert in Open Access Scientific Publications, specializing in Scientific Communication and Editorial Management. Additionally, I have a specialization in Corporate Governance, which complements my knowledge and skills in the realm of business and organizational management. With a focus on promoting accessibility to scientific knowledge and effective editorial practices, my academic background equips me with a comprehensive understanding of both business administration and scholarly publication processes.


Ketamo, H. (2018). Dreams & Reality: How AI will change Education. In The Blue Dot, Issue 9, published by UNESCO MGIEP.

Singh, N. C., & Jain, R. (2018). Personalising ‘Learning’ - Can AI Promise Customised Education For ‘Humanity’. In The Blue Dot, Issue 9, published by UNESCO MGIEP.

UNESCO MGIEP. (2018). Artificial intelligence for education. In The Blue Dot (Issue 9). Mahatama Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.




How to Cite

Silva, A. de O., & Janes, D. dos S. (2020). Exploring the role of artificial intelligence in education: a comprehensive perspective. Review of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 1, e5. https://doi.org/10.37497/rev.artif.intell.education.v1i00.5