Editorial: nteligência Artificial na Educação: Navegando Fronteiras Éticas, Legais e Tecnológicas





Inteligência artificial, educação, ética, desafios legais, interação humano-computador, startups, IA na agricultura, transformação digital


Este editorial explora o complexo panorama da Inteligência Artificial (IA) na educação, abrangendo suas dimensões legais, éticas e tecnológicas. As contribuições acadêmicas recentes destacam tanto o potencial transformador quanto os desafios da integração da IA em ambientes educacionais, com foco na melhoria das experiências de aprendizagem, aumento da eficiência administrativa e na navegação por questões éticas complexas. Este volume reúne 14 artigos que examinam o papel multifacetado da IA, abrangendo desde implicações legais e sua aplicação em startups até a interação humano-computador e práticas setoriais em educação, agricultura e recursos humanos. As contribuições reforçam a necessidade de uma estratégia robusta, inclusiva e sustentável para a adoção da IA, alinhada a padrões éticos globais e responsiva às demandas sociais.

Biografia do Autor

Altieres de Oliveira Silva, Editora ALUMNI IN, São Paulo

Ph.D. student in Business Law and Citizenship at UNICURITIBA, I specialize in Open Access Scientific Journals. I hold a certification from Cambridge University in Scientific Publication. With expertise in the field of Business Law and a strong focus on promoting accessibility to scientific knowledge.

Diego dos Santos Janes, Editora ALUMNI IN, São Paulo

I hold a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from UNINOVE, and I am an expert in Open Access Scientific Publications, specializing in Scientific Communication and Editorial Management. Additionally, I have a specialization in Corporate Governance, which complements my knowledge and skills in the realm of business and organizational management. With a focus on promoting accessibility to scientific knowledge and effective editorial practices, my academic background equips me with a comprehensive understanding of both business administration and scholarly publication processes.


Banerjee, A., Kabadi, S., & Karimov, D. (2023). The transformative power of AI: Projected impacts on the global economy by 2030. Review of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 4, e20. https://doi.org/10.37497/rev.artif.intell.educ.v4i00.20 DOI: https://doi.org/10.37497/rev.artif.intell.educ.v4i00.20

Goyal, I. (2023). Redefining the digital age: The AI renaissance in human-computer interaction and decision-making. Review of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 4, e12. https://doi.org/10.37497/rev.artif.intell.educ.v4i00.12 DOI: https://doi.org/10.37497/rev.artif.intell.educ.v4i00.12

Joska Junior, J., Bertoldi, W. J., Santos, R. C. dos, & Belli, R. F. (2023). Aplicação da inteligência artificial numa empresa startup de tecnologia. Review of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 4, e19. https://doi.org/10.37497/rev.artif.intell.educ.v4i00.19 DOI: https://doi.org/10.37497/rev.artif.intell.educ.v4i00.19

Kronivets, T., Yakovenko, O., Tymoshenko, Y., Ilnytskyi, M., Iasechko, S., & Iasechko, M. (2023). Legal and ethical dimensions of AI in education: Navigating new frontiers. Review of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 4, e21. https://doi.org/10.37497/rev.artif.intell.educ.v4i00.21 DOI: https://doi.org/10.37497/rev.artif.intell.educ.v4i00.21

Lampou, R. (2023). The integration of artificial intelligence in education: Opportunities and challenges. Review of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 4, e15. https://doi.org/10.37497/rev.artif.intell.educ.v4i00.15 DOI: https://doi.org/10.37497/rev.artif.intell.educ.v4i00.15

Patel, H. M. (2023). The transformative role of artificial intelligence in modern agriculture. Review of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 4, e14. https://doi.org/10.37497/rev.artif.intell.educ.v4i00.14 DOI: https://doi.org/10.37497/rev.artif.intell.educ.v4i00.14

Rattan, P. (2023). Cultivating agricultural evolution: Revolutionizing farming through the power of AI and technology. Review of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 4, e10. https://doi.org/10.37497/rev.artif.intell.educ.v4i00.10 DOI: https://doi.org/10.37497/rev.artif.intell.educ.v4i00.10

Silva, A. de O., & Janes, D. dos S. (2023). Desafios e Oportunidades da Inteligência Artificial em Educação no Contexto Global. Review of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 4, e1. https://doi.org/10.37497/rev.artif.intell.education.v4i00.1 DOI: https://doi.org/10.37497/rev.artif.intell.education.v4i00.1

Somani, P. (2023). Emerging role of artificial intelligence in product recommendation. Review of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 4, e11. https://doi.org/10.37497/rev.artif.intell.educ.v4i00.11 DOI: https://doi.org/10.37497/rev.artif.intell.educ.v4i00.11

Wadhwa, S., & Wadhwa, K. (2023). Challenges of talent retention and the role of robotic process automation in the COVID-19 era: An analysis of organizational strategies and efficiency enhancement. Review of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 4, e9. https://doi.org/10.37497/rev.artif.intell.educ.v4i00.9 DOI: https://doi.org/10.37497/rev.artif.intell.educ.v4i00.9

Iyer, V. (2023). Revolutionizing recruitment: The synergy of artificial intelligence and human resources. Review of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 4, e13. https://doi.org/10.37497/rev.artif.intell.educ.v4i00.13 DOI: https://doi.org/10.37497/rev.artif.intell.educ.v4i00.13

Gowda, K. R. (2023). AI in education and beyond: Transforming customer experiences and sectorial practices in the digital economy. Review of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 4, e8. https://doi.org/10.37497/rev.artif.intell.educ.v4i00.8 DOI: https://doi.org/10.37497/rev.artif.intell.educ.v4i00.8

Silva, R., Noronha, M., & Ferraro, D. M. J. (2023). As capacidades dinâmicas e o sucesso das empresas edtech no mercado de startups. Review of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 4, e16. https://doi.org/10.37497/rev.artif.intell.educ.v4i00.16 DOI: https://doi.org/10.37497/rev.artif.intell.educ.v4i00.16

Kaur, G., Gujrati, R., & Uygun, H. (2023). How does AI fit into the management of human resources? Review of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 4, e4. https://doi.org/10.37497/rev.artif.intell.education.v4i00.4 DOI: https://doi.org/10.37497/rev.artif.intell.education.v4i00.4



Como Citar

Silva, A. de O., & Janes, D. dos S. (2023). Editorial: nteligência Artificial na Educação: Navegando Fronteiras Éticas, Legais e Tecnológicas. Review of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 4(00), e034. https://doi.org/10.37497/rev.artif.intell.educ.v4i00.34

